News & Events

Date Title Category
110-1學期英文趣味圖文競賽 歡迎學生踴躍參與
Illustration and Writing Contest
News and Events
AU Enters the 2021 Academic Ranking List of 1000 Top Universities in the World by Shanghai Jiao Tong University--- News and Events
Letter for 110-1 new internatonal students News and Events
The Department of Creative Product Design of Asia University Has an Online Lecture for Universitas Airlangga in Indonesia News and Events
Asia University Is in the 2021 List of Best Universities in Taiwan ranked by the Global Views Monthly Magazine News and Events
Certificate of Accreditation from Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan Achievements
Students of AU Win a 2020 InnoServe Award by a Masterpiece. News and Events
AU Teaches Parents and Children to Say Goodbye to Overuse of 3C Products News and Events
The New Southbound Talent Development Program of AU Wins the Biggest National Financial Support News and Events
AU Wins Four National Innovation Awards This Year News and Events
President of Asia University, Jing-Pha Tsai, Was Invited as a Keynote Speaker at 2020 Annual Meeting of AI Academy News and Events
AU Enters the Best list of 2021 THE World University Rankings News and Events
AU and the University of Victoria in Canada Hold Jointly an Online Conference for Degree-offering Cooperation News and Events
AU Holds an Exhibition of AI Application and Teaching Achievements News and Events
Add/Drop Courses and Over Credits Application Schedule for 1st Semester 2020 News and Events