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1. Occupational Therapist

Best career in the US(top 10 out of 200 career categories) and job most unlikely to be replaced by computers or machines(top 10 out of 700 career categories).

2. Continued Education

*Domestic and international graduate schools of occupational therapy.

*Cross-disciplinary graduate schools(early intervention and education graduate school, special education graduate school, children’s development graduate school, cognitive science graduate school, rehabilitation counseling graduate school, technological aid graduate school, medical engineering graduate school, human factors graduate school, behavioral science graduate school, psychology and counseling graduate school, guidance and counseling graduate school…etc.).


3. Career Placement

*Domestic or international medical facilities(rehabilitation, mental health), *Rehabilitation centers at medical facilities, *Early intervention and education(children’s development)organizations, *Long-term care(hospice)organizations, *special education schools and professional teams, *Prosthetics companies and prosthetic centers in all cities and counties, *Private practice(occupational therapy clinic, children’s development centers)

Talent Information
Occupational Therapist Union of Republic of China:

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