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Occupational therapy is a healthcare profession that involves the use of meaningful activities with specific goals to help people of all ages to fully engage in their daily lives. We aim to educate and train students as qualified occupational therapists to possess core and innovation profession skills to the need and changes of the medical, social environment and world trends. Our goals are to foster students with not only professional ethics and good client-relationship but also good communication skills. Furthermore, we cultivate students as occupational therapists with cultural literacy to promote the integration professional team and an international perspective.

The department of Occupational Therapy was founded in 2016. Until 2018, we have hired seven full-time faulty members, contributing to three specialty areas such as occupational therapy for physical disabilities, occupational therapy for psychiatric to promote the development of the occupational therapy education in this country. 

Chronology of events

2021.8  Certificate of Accreditation from Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (2021.1~2026.12)
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The logo of our occupational therapy program was designed by our students, who were the first class of this program. This logo is characterized by three components. These three components represent the important areas in the profession of occupational therapy. These three important areas are occupational therapy for physical disabilities, occupational therapy for children, and occupational therapy for mental health. There is a building embedded in this logo. This represents the occupational therapy in the communities.