The Housing Services Section will organize the 【SDGs 11】Dormitory Earthquake Disaster Drill and Safety Promotion on 2023/10/16-11/14, please refer to the website of the Housing Services Section for details of the activities (URL:, thank you.
2023/10/16-11/14【SDGs 11】Dormitory Earthquake Disaster Drill and Safety Promotion
Activity ❶ Disaster Prevention Knowledge Mock Test ǁǁ► 10/16-10/31
Activity ❷ Tips for electrical safety in Dormitories ǁǁ► 11/01-11/13
Activity ❸ Dormitory Earthquake Drill ǁǁ► 11/14
Note: Non-participants for Activity ❸ will not be allowed to apply for dormitory for the following academic year.