2016 October Events

  • 2016-10-31

2016.10.26 Asia University is proud to introduce the Department of Occupational Therapy to the National Changhua Senior High School!! It always seemed so far in the future, but suddenly it is the time for grade 12th students to prepare for College. Before applying to College, it is important to know what exactly you as a Grade 12 student want to get out of your education. Many careers in the healthcare industry are currently in high demand, especially the occupational therapy. Truly, an occupational Therapy’s career is what he or she makes of it. Those who loving working with kids can enter pediatric specialties, while professionals focus on caring of elderly adults can enter geriatric care. What’s more, occupational therapists are limited to rehabilitation centers. We work in many difference practice settings including hospital, schools, nursing home, universities, and community centers. There are also opportunities to see the world and work in various locations. The best part of occupational therapy is the occupational therapists can enter this career path immediately after graduation. The Department of Occupational Therapy at Asia University prepare students to gain not only academic knowledge but also clinical experiences. In fact, there are many benefits to studying in Asia University. It is always a good idea to take advantage of scholarships to take some of the pressure off. Our college admissions guide will steer you through the tasks you should complete during your senior year of high school to maximize your chances of getting accepted by your top choice university~~ Asia University!!

2016.10.29 National Occupational Therapy Education Forum and The 9th Occupational Science Symposium and Workshop. It is a pleasure to invite Drs. Barbara A. Boyt Schell and John W. Schell to give lectures on this important topic. Drs. Schell are the authors of the Clinical and Professional Reasoning in Occupational Therapy. As pointed out by Dr. Schell, it is crucial as an occupational therapy instructor to reflect on teaching practices. What are we asking our students to learn? Professional practice involves the professional reasoning as it guides our therapy actions. Thus, the reflection on reasoning and actions in light of outcomes. In addition, it is essential for our students to develop professional reasoning skills. The professional reasoning is an ecological processes that compose of practitioner, client, and practice context. Our selves as the professionals shape the world we see; our clients also see the world through their own lenses. Personal and professional lenses of both therapist and clinician shape occupational therapists professional reasoning. Therefore, therapy is co-constructed between therapist and client within the practice context, and thus professional reasoning is a transactional process resulting in therapy actions and outcomes.