Ching-Lin Hsieh(謝清麟)
Name Ching-Lin Hsieh(謝清麟)
Job title Professor
Areas of Research
Outcome measurement
Occupational Therapy for patients with stroke
Ph.D., Department of Sociology, University of Queensland, AUS
M.S., Department of Occupational Therapy, Western Michigan University, U.S.A.
B.S., Department of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University, R.O.C. Experience
Professor, School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University
Division of Occupational Therapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland
Chairperson, School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University
Division Chief, Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University Hospital
Lecturer, School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University
Teaching Assistant, School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University
Occupational Therapist, Army 802 General Hospital
Teaching Areas Courses related to Occupational Therapy